
I believe in the discipline of mastering the best that other people have figured out. I don’t believe in just sitting down and trying to dream it all up myself. Nobody’s that smart. – Charlie Munger

Hi there and welcome!

Here is a little about me.

I am Ben Neill, and I work as a full-time residential REALTOR® and Managing Partner of Buy Sell Live Atlanta in Atlanta, Georgia.

I am passionate about self-improvement in all areas of my life and actively seek out ways to achieve peak personal and professional performance through health, fitness, nutrition, biohacking, and philosophy, to name a few.

I have an amazing wife, who bakes amazing displays of yumminess, and together, we have three beagles who never fail to keep us on our toes and ensure our lives don’t get too comfortable, quiet, clean, or boring.

In the spirit of transparency and full disclosure, I want to be clear in what this project is and what it is not.

I have started this project to help myself along my self-education journey and serve as a “dumping ground” for my musings. It’s self-serving, to say the least, and will serve as a perennial soapbox for topics about which I am most passionate.

First, and most importantly, the act of writing these articles is primarily for me – selfish, I know. Upon telling a good friend about this project, he asked a relevant question. “Who is your target audience?” While I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t hope someone will find my ramblings insightful, my primary objective is to focus solely on writing about things in which I have a genuine interest. As I embark on this project, it’s my hope that I will, through reading, study, and research, achieve a deeper understanding. 

Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.– Cyril Connolly

Throughout most of my posts, you’ll see quotes from famous historical figures, philosophers, and snippets of scientific findings and research, all of which are there to add weight to my thoughts but not to prove them.

To be clear, I am in no way claiming that what I write here is entirely correct or complete in thinking. Many of these ideas are far more complicated than one person can know and I certainly don’t have the full story. I’m simply offering the best I can.

I’ve reworked a quote by the great American novelist Flannery O’Connor, to better articulate my “why.”

“I write to discover what I know.” – Flannery O’Connor
“I write in the hopes of discovering what I’ve yet to learn.” – Me

Thanks for stopping by and happy reading!